“Our idea of physical reality never has
to be final. We must always be
ready to change this perception».
Albert Einstein
In 1988, the London journal “Nature”, the authority and reputation of this journal would not allow false scientific reports to be published, suddenly published an article by a group of biologists and the head of the French Institute of Medicine and Health, Jacques Benveniste. The article describes the effect of extremely high immunoglobulin E on the degranulation of human basophils.
The conclusion that Jacques Benvenist made was the following: the configuration of the water molecules themselves was biologically active. With the help of a magazine, this concept went down in history as “water memory”. Not understood by everyone, the title of the article could have left the article unnoticed, but this time the scientific world exploded.
“How can that which is not there have an effect?” – puzzled the respected “Mond”: “Memory of matter exists, but to convey the properties of this matter over the phone…” The results of Jacques Benveniste’s group “are very disturbing”, reacted one of the prominent chemists.
The editor of the magazine «Nature» John Maddox countered: «Our mind is not so much closed as it is not ready to change the idea of how modern science is structured». Much later in the 1990s, Bevenist would say that the“memory” could be digitized, transferred, and restored into a new water image that would possess the same active characteristics as the first image.
Supported by the Nobel laureate, – Brian Josephson, Benveniste in 1997 made a sensational report at the congress of the American Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: «Transatlantic transmission of the immunoglobulin signal using a telephone line». Unfortunately, Jacques Benveniste did not manage to embody all his ideas and complete the experiments. Driven by orthodox science, died in 2004.
Research into a technology for transmitting informational, spectral copies of biologically active substances (Information Copy – IC) at a distance via communication lines was continued by other scientists in the late 1990s. These works in Israel were carried out by the Soviet scientists – the radiophysicist M.Grinstein and the scientist-physician M.Schreibman.
M. Grinstein had an idea for the possibility of transmitting information copies in analog form at a distance, and M. Scheibman had instruments that allowed to fix the transmission of the change of biological indicators in the human body. Years passed and the twentieth century – the century of progress and scientific discoveries and changed to the twenty-first century – the century of the Internet and nanotechnology. In 2009, M. Grinshtein handed over the collected knowledge about the technologies to EP Germanov. for further development and market performance. At the initial stage, the IC project was called «emission». After conducting research in the Czech Republic in 2009-2012. the world’s first technical center was founded.
2011, Vermont, USA. The sixth annual conference on the study of the properties of water was held with the participation of two Nobel laureates Brian Josephson and Luc Montagnier. We visited Vermont at the invitation of the conference organizer, the world-renowned scientist Gerald Pollack, a professor at the University of Washington. He invited the scientists from the DST Fund to present the “emission” project. An announcement about the project used to be controversial, as it was in the 1990s, but now the subject matter was accepted as scientific, supported by practice and experimental facts.
A conference dedicated to the diversity of the properties and possibilities of water, two decades after Benveniste’s article, discusses and develops today’s relevant possibilities for transmitting the properties of this or that preparation at a distance through the communication line, transferred on a temporary carrier! And it is possible to send this information without any changes and losses over the telephone, the Internet through wired or wireless communication lines. The participants of a meeting in Vermont already talked about this real phenomenon today.
Since then, hundreds of checks and experiments have been carried out. The feeling of unreality remains to this day. But the unreal yesterday became possible today and will be normal tomorrow. And this has already been confirmed in practice. Each time the evidence led to the fact that the properties of substances could be transmitted through communication lines thousands of kilometers away. In substance and in form, a new product appeared and powerfully asserted itself. I do not rule out that the invention will cause more disputes and discussions, possible objections and even attempts to discredit. But the fact is the fact. We are ready for discussions and inspections. We have a strong, professional and impeccable team of scientists and practicing doctors, special thanks to them for a difficult but very important, fundamentally new and quite effective activity. Today we have about 2000 completed clinical observations. And almost all of them give encouraging, solidly flat figures. Now that a base has been developed, it has become clear how important it is to bring this product into widespread practice.
At the international scientific conference in 2018 on “Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Water” (www.waterconf.org) B.P. Surinov reports the results of the experiment with IC Aspirin (Acetylsalicylic acid) for transmission of an informational copy over the Internet.
In 2018-2020, at the Institute of Plant Genetics (K.Malkov, Sadovo, Bulgaria), Professor Cholakov and Associate Professor Stomatov conducted an experiment – growing agricultural produce using IC technologies, without using chemical types of herbicides and pesticides. Which makes production significantly cheaper.
In 2021, a modernized technical center was created in Bulgaria and the company “NewAgro2021” was registered, which will deal with the use of IC in agriculture on the basis of experiments by the Institute of Plant Genetics “K.Malkov”. Bulgarian farmers have already explored weed control using IC. The project can open great perspectives in the use of this method in the agrarian complex, the food industry, and in general in human life (pharmacology, medicine, plant breeding, animal breeding, veterinary medicine, cosmetics, winemaking, etc.).
As of 2012, twenty-six medical practitioners from Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania, and the USA cooperated with the fund; scientists from the Institute of Cell Biophysics RAS, Moscow Institute of Electrical Engineering, National Research Nuclear University, Russian National Research Medical University N.I. Pirogov, Moscow Physical and Technical University, “Medical Radiological Scientific Center”, Research Institute of Human Ecology and Hygiene environmental order, Moscow State University, Institute of General Physics RAS, and others. The composition of the Scientific Council of the DST Foundation includes Doctor of Biological Sciences, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.N. Zhadin, Doctor of Medical Sciences K.G. Khachumova, Doctor of Biological Sciences B.P. Surinov, (Trukhan, Bunkin, Voeykov) candidate of biological sciences N.V. Bobkova, candidate of technical sciences S.N. Novikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Etkin V.A. (http://www.etkin.iri-as.org/index_e.html) – author of 10 books, as well as the monograph “Thermokinetics” (1999), recommended by the Ministry of Education as a teaching aid for technical universities of the Russian Federation and others.
Methods have been worked out, necessary tools have been created. They are in the patent process. Good business and friendly contacts have been established with colleagues from the USA, Italy, Japan and other countries.
In the 1920s, the Soviet scientist Alexander Gurvich first introduced the concept of a morphological (biological) field. Subsequently, he developed his theory in order to explain the character and direction in the development of organisms. In 1923 discovers Mitogenic rays – ultra-weak ultraviolet radiation of living systems, stimulating cell mitosis.
The work of the Russian scientist M.Zhadin, on the effect of resonance in aqueous solutions and the role of mixed domains in the body, creates prerequisites for the possibility that water /domains/ can receive radiation from substances and bioobjects.
The first attempts to transfer the properties of substances were undertaken by J. Benveniste. Together with Professor Wei Su from the University of Chicago, using a methodology developed by him, he investigated the transmission of the chemical substance acetylcholine via the Internet from the USA to France. When checking J.Benveniste’s experiment on the actual transmission of radiation and its effectiveness on biological objects, an important place was occupied by water.
The long-term experiments of the Nobel laureate L. Montagnier on transferring the properties of DNA at a distance confirm: 1. The fact that there is radiation of substances and bioobjects. 2. The ability to transmit radiation over a distance. 3. The ability of water to perceive radiation.
The realization that there is a possible mechanism by which water can receive radiation from substances and biological objects appeared thanks to the Italian scientist D. Preparata, who developed a theory of the structure of water from the point of view of quantum electrodynamics.
Authors of methods and devices that are used to transfer and test the radiation of substances and biological objects are the Israeli scientists: – the radiophysicist V. Greenstein – Doctor M. Schreibman (below) It is the unification of medical knowledge and technological capabilities that allows this technology to be created.
To test the action of radiation of bioobjects, doctors use standard instruments from various manufacturers for vegetative-resonance testing from bioresonance therapy, as well as devices developed by Israeli scientists.